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Equipment strength

Quality control
Global Fan Power has a number of testing equipment such as Zeiss CMM from Germany, WERTH CMM, Osaka Gear Testing Center from Japan, Gear Mesh Tester from Japan, OGP Plane Tester, and Swiss Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) to improve the quality.
  • 瑞士阿奇火花机

    Zeiss Coordinate

  • 日本FANUC 加工中心

    Osaka Gear Testing Center, Japan

  • 日本沙迪克线切割

    Japan Osaka Gear Meshing Instrument

  • 瑞士阿奇火花机

    German WEITH three-dimensional

  • 日本牧野MAKINO V33  加工中心

    Switzerland METTLER TOLEDO TGA Thermogravimetric Analyzer

  • 德国罗德施加工中心

    Hexagon Imager

  • 日本HAMAI滚齿机

    Japan Mitutoyo Roundness Meter

  • 瑞士阿奇线切机

    Swiss Archie Wire Cutting Machine

  • 瑞士阿奇火花机

    Zeiss Coordinate

  • 日本FANUC 加工中心

    Osaka Gear Testing Center, Japan

  • 日本沙迪克线切割

    Japan Osaka Gear Meshing Instrument

  • 瑞士阿奇火花机

    German WEITH three-dimensional

  • 日本牧野MAKINO V33  加工中心

    Switzerland METTLER TOLEDO TGA Thermogravimetric Analyzer

  • 德国罗德施加工中心

    Hexagon Imager

  • 日本HAMAI滚齿机

    Japan Mitutoyo Roundness Meter

  • 瑞士阿奇线切机

    Swiss Archie Wire Cutting Machine

01.Gear meshing instrument

The gear mesh tester of OSAKA SEIMITSU mainly uses the "standard gear" and the "product gear" for mesh test, measuring the change of the distance between the shaft centers of two gears as the measurement accuracy error, and is used to test the accuracy of a single tooth The error and the accuracy error of the whole tooth are suitable for the grade judgment of JIS/ISO/AGMA/DIN/JGMA and other quality standards.


02.Swiss METTLER TOLEDO TGA Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Thermogravimetric analyzer is an instrument that uses thermogravimetric method to detect the relationship between temperature and mass change of a substance. When there is sublimation, vaporization, decomposition of gas or loss of crystal water during the heating process, the quality of the measured object will change, and the thermogravimetric curve will decrease. By analyzing the thermogravimetric curve, it is mainly used for the testing of polymers (thermoplastics, thermosetting resins, elastomers, adhesives and composite materials) and metal powder metallurgy materials.


03.Surface roughness test

MITUTOYO SUEFTEST SJ-41D surface roughness measurement system is used to test the surface roughness of gears. The test results are JIS (JISB0601-2001, JIS-B0601-1994, JISB0601-1982), VDA, ISO-199 and ANSI. In addition to the calculation results, it can also display the combined calculation results and evaluation profile, load curve and amplitude distribution curve.


04.DIA-COME internal and external tooth measuring table

The German DIATEST DIA-COME internal and external tooth (diameter) measuring table can quickly switch between the measurement modes of the internal and external diameters of the internal and external teeth, and measure it by adjusting the test force comparison method.
