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Do you know the maintenance and operation precautions of hub motor?

In order to ensure that the hub motor can work normally, the hub motor should be maintained regularly after use. Good maintenance, also conducive to future use, reduce the occurrence of failure, the following global wind small series for you to introduce the maintenance and use of hub motor precautions.
1、 Maintenance of hub motor

Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd

1. Clean and wipe the motor
Due to the harsh working environment of the hub motor, it is necessary to remove the dust and oil sludge in time due to the influence of water and dust. If the use of environmental dust more, can be cleaned every day to ensure the integrity of its sealing. The cleaning places include the outside of the hub motor base, the starting equipment of the motor, and the bearing in the motor.
2. Daily inspection of motor
Check and clean the motor terminals. Check whether the wiring screws of the junction box are loose and burned; check the screws of each fixed part, including the anchor screws, end cover screws, bearing cover screws, etc. Tighten the loose nut; check the transmission device, check whether the belt pulley or coupling is bold and damaged, and whether the installation is firm; whether the belt and its coupling are in good condition.
3. Achieve timely cooling
The wheel hub actually absorbs a lot of heat due to the friction between the tire and the brake. If the heat can not be released through the wheel hub as soon as possible, the tire and brake disc will be damaged. Therefore, it is suggested that the key point of the maintenance of the hub motor is to achieve timely heat dissipation. As for how to heat the hub motor, I have also introduced it to you.
4. Motor bearing lubrication
The lubricating grease or lubricating oil should be changed after the bearing of hub motor is used for a period of time. During the oil change, it should be determined by the working condition, working environment, cleanliness and lubricant type of the motor. Generally, the grease should be replaced every 3 to 6 months. When the oil temperature is high, or the motor with poor environmental conditions and more dust should be cleaned and replaced regularly.
5. Overhaul every year
In addition to regular maintenance of the hub motor according to the above contents, the wheel hub motor should be overhauled once a year after operation. The purpose of overhaul is to conduct a thorough and comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the motor, supplement the missing and worn components of the motor, thoroughly eliminate the dust and dirt inside and outside the motor, check the insulation, clean the bearing and check its wear. Find problems and deal with them in time.
2、 Precautions for hub motor
1. Avoid driving in deep water
When riding in rainy days, try not to let the wheel hub motor soak in the rain for too long, do not risk driving the motor in deep water, and do not let the water surface exceed the position of the rear wheel center axle, otherwise, the motor may be corroded and completely scrapped. If you encounter the phenomenon of motor water inflow, what is the treatment method of wheel motor wetting water before? You can refer to the treatment method inside, or immediately to the nearby maintenance point for maintenance.
2. Avoid overloading
Most electric vehicles use wheel motor, and different specifications of electric vehicles have different bearing capacity, so we should try our best to avoid overloading the electric vehicle, and pay more attention to whether the tires of the rear wheel are lack of air. If the rear wheel tires continue to run in the state of lack of air, it is easy to damage the motor if the rear wheel tires continue to drive and hit hard objects.
3. Check fastening condition
In the process of using the hub motor, check the fastening state of the motor and the rear fork. If the screw is loose, please go to the after-sales department for reinforcement in time.
The above is the introduction of the maintenance and use precautions of the hub motor, regular maintenance and maintenance, plus the use of attention to avoid deep water driving and overload driving, which can not only stop the loss in time, prevent failure, but also ensure the safe and reliable operation of the hub motor.
Global wind is a professional manufacturer of wheel motor, with fine processing, less machine damage and high precision. It can provide free equipment parts maintenance, lifelong maintenance and regular return visit. You are welcome to inquire or leave a message.


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Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd.

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